Well, no one really "tagged" me to do this, but in my nosey blog reading I've been seeing people post 100 things about themselves. So, here we go...
1. I am so non-confrontational, it's not even funny. I just assume cry than actually deal with the problem at hand.
2. I am watching "Wife Swap" on ABC right now - it fascinates me.
3. I am a true "home-body." I can find lots of things at home to keep me busy!
4. I like to give myself manicures and pedicures.
5. I like to cook and then share the food with others - seeing them enjoy something I've made makes me happy.
6. I want to learn to sew!
7. I used to hate ice cream; now I love it.
8. I believe in Auburn, and love it!
9. I am trying to learn that life too short ot plan everything out, sometimes you just have to be in the moment!
10. I love my family, so much.
11. I love to sing loud in the car!
12. I enjoy singing, but don't do it often enough.
13. I listen to sports talk radio on my way to work and on my way home.
14. I'm often scared to try new things, but always glad after I do.
15. I wish I had worn my retainers when I got my braces off in the 10th grade. Maybe then I wouldn't have had to wear them again as a 23-year-old!
16. Now that I work at an insurance agency I think about the "what-ifs" in life all the time. Everyone needs life insurance!
17. I think dogs are cute, but I'm not sure I could ever own one.
18. My sister has a new kitten - I never thought I could like a cat this much!
19. I want to be a mom - someday.
20. I loved singing in a choir as a teenager and wouldn't trade those memories for anything.
21. I love my friends, but I'm not good at keeping in touch all the time.
22. I am a true introvert - I really need time alone to recharge.
23. My mom and sister are 2 of my best friends.
24. I can't wait to be a homeowner - one day.
25. I only feel truly "myself" around a select few people.
26. I have never had a huge circle of friends and I'm ok with that now.
27. I wish I had stuck with piano lessons longer than 4 years.
28. I try to "multi-task" but I really think I end up getting less done when I do.
29. I love being on the lake with Jeremy - it makes me happy.
30. I like being anywhere with Jeremy - it makes me happy.
31. I am way too excited about the new Harry Potter movie and book. I didn't think I would like the series as much as I do.
32. I have read "To Kill a Mockingbird" probably 10 times.
33. I need a new series of books to read after Harry Potter - any suggestions?
34. I am very clumsy.
35. I used to hate being tall, but I am learning to like it more.
36. Eating a low-carb diet really makes me feel healthy, but I don't stick with it all the time.
37. I ran the Country Music Half-Marathon in 2006. I am hoping to do it again in 2008.
38. I went to Talladega Superspeedway for the first time last April - and now I follow NASCAR.
39. I am quiet when I first meet someone and I think that's often mistaken for snobbiness.
40. I am trying to be less shy around new people!
41. I really like reality TV, but wish I didn't.
42. I think Terry O'Quinn (John Locke of LOST) is a gorgeous man.
43. I want to give up Diet Coke(s), but I'm not sure if I can do it!
44. I am trying to be more concerned with being "healthy" than being "skinny."
45. I like to wear dresses and flip-flops in the summer.
46. I played my first 9 holes of golf on July 4, 2007 - it was not pretty.
47. I have to decide what I'll wear to work the night before.
48. I collect teapots, but I don't like to drink hot -tea.
49. My mom's roast with carrots and potatoes is my favorite meal in the world.
50. I believe Saltine crackers have healing powers.
51. I am trying to become a runner, but it's hard!
52. I like to watch sports, but lots of the time I have no clue what's going on.
53. I have a hard-time sitting still when I'm at home.
54. I get distracted easily.
55. I don't like it when people think they are better than everyone else.
56. I think I'm funny.
57. I really, really, really like watching TV - especially with friends!
58. I like it when I can successfully get a stain out of my clothes.
59. I think Jo, the Supernanny, is a genius!
60. I worry too much.
61. I like to keep a journal, but I'm not very good at it. It's great to go back and read the things I've written over the years.
62. I like that as I've gotten older, I've gotten more comfortable with myself.
63. I like to ride roller coasters.
64. I hope to has LASIK surgery in the next three years or so.
65. Loneliness scares me.
66. I love hymns and it saddens me that so many churches are getting away from "traditional" style worship.
67. I don't like watermelon or cucumber.
68. I enjoy going to new restaurants, but like going with someone who's been there before.
69. I read labels at the grocery store.
70. I REALLY like pizza. I had it for lunch and dinner today - the South Beach variety, thank you!
71. I have learned lastely to only do things that I really want to do. Life is too short to do things just because other people want you to.
72. Nashville will always be "home" to me.
73. I hope to find a job that I feel passionate about someday.
74. I like to be in my bed by 10:00 most every night.
75. I miss my grandmother.
76. I wish I lived closer to my family.
77. I hope that Jeremy is the man I will marry - I'm almost 100% positive he is! :)
78. I miss my friends from high school.
79. I miss being a college student.
80. I am trying to learn to appreciate this "being an adult" thing.
81. If I had the money to have plastic surgery, I think I would.
82. When I get disappointed or things don't turn out as I'd planned it takes me a good while to recover.
83. I hold grudges.
84. I wish I didn't.
85. I like to have a fan on when I sleep.
86. I enjoy having pictures of friends and family all around.
87. I can't wait to have my own house to decorate!
88. I like black and white photography.
89. My glasses are pretty darn thick - it's embarrassing.
90. I wear them anyway.
91. My favorite outfit is jeans, a tee-shirt, and flip-flops.
92. I like to wear high-heels, but often feel too tall in them.
93. I have clothes in my closet that I've never worn - that's bad!
94. I don't like to sleep too late. It makes me feel like I've wasted the day.
95. I bought new tennis shoes on Saturday that I love.
96. I still get scared of the dark.
97. I hope that there is lots of travel in my future.
98. My feelings get hurt very easily.
99. I really like chocolate! Hard, fruity candy - not so much.
100. I like to wear my glasses when I go to the movies.
Ok, so who's up for the challenge now??? :)