Monday, September 29, 2008


Have you read this book??

If you haven't, you definitely should. It's cute and smart and funny and witty and I think it's the holds the record for book I've read the fastest. AND it's been made into a movie that comes out in February. I love it when books I read are turned into movies. Though almost 100% of the time the book is better.

The book is set in London, the movie will be set in NYC, which disappoints me and I really didn't picture Isla Fisher as Becky Bloomwood, but I'm sure it will be great nonetheless!

p.s. Shopaholic Takes Manhattan and Shopaholic Ties the Knot are great, too! I just started Shopaholic & Sister today!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wedding Highlights

The wedding is over! I am both relieved and a little sad, too. I loved planning my wedding and now I'm not sure what to do with myself. I guess I'll have to take up my hobbies of painting and golfing again! :)

The wedding day was perfect. Nothing went wrong (that I know of anyway) or caused us any stress.

We got our pictures back yesterday and here are so me of my favorites:

If you'd like to see the whole gallery, check out this website: Enjoy!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Here's a picture of Jeremy working hard putting our new TV trays together in the midst of our very messy kitchen. Or as I like to call them, "Our new dining room suite!" We love to eat in the living room. We are bad, I know!

Isn't he cute?!

I am headed up to Nashville today with J's mom to do lots of last minute wedding week stuff. I am really looking forward to spending time with the fam on all the last minute details. I am trying to keep my head clear and NOT freak out. I am a great freaker outer, but I am going to try and keep panic, stress, and worry to a minimum. Wish me luck!

The countdown is on...only FIVE more days!