Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Moving Day!

Well, the time has come.

Jeremy and I sold our house back in March and have been living with his family for the past 3 months or so. We've been debating, praying, thinking, and just trying to decide if we want Tuscaloosa to be "home" or somewhere else.

After a lot of back and forth, we finally felt that moving to a bigger city with more job opportunites was the best call for us. Jeremy has been less than thrilled with his current job situation for a while now.

So, off to Nashville we go! My last day of work here is this Friday and we're headed to Tennessee on Monday. We're both super excited, nervous, know, all of those feelings that come witha big transition in life.

Nashville, here we come!

1 comment:

David and Katie Kizziah said...

Marissa! Melanie Campbell asked if I knew of this news. I did not until she told me Sunday afternoon. I wish that I had known Sunday when I saw you so that I could have made mention of it. I'm thankful that I have one more time to see you at Cwood before you guys move. Though, with moving on Monday, you may not be there. If not, I'm glad that I got to see your sweet face up close; it was probably a good thing that I didn't know at the time. It made seeing you happy instead of sad.

Yes, I'm sad selfishly, but I can't help but be so excited for you guys and the adventure ahead. It will be so fun to move to a city, just the two of you, and begin life in a place that is new for you both. David and I did this a few years back, and I think it's good for your marriage!

You guys will be greatly missed. I hate that we didn't get to spend more time together as I wished. We will be excited when you come to Ttown to visit, and who knows - we may stop in on you guys in Nashville. (Highly unlikely until the kids are older and less needy, but it's a fun thought! :) But I'm so thankful for technology! You must keep the blog going. You're a great writer, very creative, and post cool photos. I can't wait to see documentation of your new life in Nashville. I will say I have always loved new beginnings . . . something fresh and fun about them. Enjoy, my friend! Let's keep in touch!